Reading List
A collection of some of our recommended books and valuable content. We hope you find them illuminating in the same way we did.
Our "Must Reads"
In this collection, find our most recommended reading material that we have studied so far. These are ideal for beginners who are unsure where to start. Texts such as Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Blood in my Eye
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Centred on Africa, and previous African Socialist leaders. These reading materials explore African socialism, and why Africa is considered ‘poor’ today, when in fact it has been grossly exploited. Texts such as Neocolonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism, and Thomas Sankara’s Speeches
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Black Liberation
Concentrating on the Black Radical Tradition, these books cover a range of incredible socialist thinkers who bridge the gap for those who don’t understand the intersections of racism & classism. Texts such as Black Marxism and Black Power beyond Borders: The Global
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Middle East
A Marxist understanding of Middle Eastern history so far, with selected writings on Middle Eastern communist parties too and literature on the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Texts such as Zionist Colonialism in Palestine and Orientalism.
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the Caribbean & Latin America
For a range of texts on leaders such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are pioneers of modern-day socialism, the Haitian revolution, the Cuban revolution and more. Texts such as Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War and The Black Jacobins.
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East Asia
China’s revolution is one of the most impactful moments on modern-day communism, China’s great leap forward helped influence regions surrounding it. Texts on Ho Chi Minh and General Diap, including Ho Chi Minh’s Blueprint for Revolution and The Great Leap Forward.
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Socialist Feminist writings to help bridge the gap many don’t understand of sexism and classism. Texts including This Bridge Called My Back: Radical Writings by Women of Color and Women, Race and Class.
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A collection of writings on Marxist LGBQTIA+ liberation. Texts including Unapologetic: A Black, Queer and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements and LGBT liberation: An essential working-class struggle.
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Beginners guide to in-depth readings on Marxist theory. Texts include Capital and How to be a Good Communist.
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Deep, moving literature. Texts include Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison.
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Documentaries & Interviews
Our most recommended watches. Interviews of the Black Panther Party and documentaries covering national liberation movements.
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A collection of texts on a wide range of topics.
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